Ben Brook from CDUK discusses the Young Professional Industry Experience group’s trip to Hypnos.

Clive Barry, retail sales director, provided an introduction on Hypnos and the company’s  journey. The company has seen a massive increase in growth over the past few years, partly because of Premier Inn using Hypnos’s mattress in their adverts and hotels.

While at Hypnos, we got an understanding into a number of areas that make the business successful.


The company is committed to sustainability and has focused on reducing its carbon footprint.  Hypnos has created a bed disposal and recycling service to create a  zero land fill solution as mattresses take 10 years to decompose.


Hypnos understands that recruitment is an issue and has an apprenticeship scheme in place for planning for the future and ensuring cores skills are maintained in the business.


To stay competitive the company has installed a lean, just in time system to minimise cost. Brexit had minimum effect, as the company delayed its price increase as it felt it was good to make this more positive and give the customer the opportunity to react to price increase.

Customer service

Hypnos believe it is important to have a partnership with the customers and seek to deliver their best interest. A key part of its success is understanding the customer and ensuring that they achieve the best experience so they tell others.

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