Yorkshire region bowled over by successful event
The Yorkshire Regional Committee scored a strike with a successful bowling event earlier this month.
The event took place on Thursday 24 November at the Hollywood Bowl, Bradford.
Over 20 people from the region, including workers from JayBe Beds, John Cotton Group and the National Bed Federation, played two games of 10-pin bowling.
The winners of the competition were:
• Winning team – JayBe Flyers
• Highest scoring lady – Jessica Alexander, Skipton Skittlers
• Runner up lady – Asha Gallagher, Skipton Skittlers
• Highest scoring male – Stephen Durrans, JayBe Flyers
• Runner up male – Mark Baron, the Thunderballers (John Cotton)

Peter Hewitt, an organiser of the event, said. “It was a very close contest, with both the team and individual male winners separated by a single point.”
We’d like to thank the Yorkshire Committee for organising the event. The Furniture Makers’ Company has seven regional committees – the East of England, Heart of England, North East, North West, South West, Southern and Yorkshire.
Each committee aims to organise a number of fundraising and networking events in their area for members and non-members of The Furniture Makers Company.
To find out more about upcoming events in your area and to contact the regional chairman in your area, go to