The winner of our annual poster competition, Dominic Longhorn, got to spend a day with top Leeds design agency Creative Race on Thursday 12 May to see his idea of a poster to encourage students into a furnishings related job come to life.

Sponsored by DFS, the annual poster competition asks students to create a large A3 poster – illustrating the various job opportunities in the furniture sector – to get young people excited about the idea of forging a career in the furnishing industry. The winner then gets to spend a day with an agency and watch their poster being designed before their eyes.

The finished poster will now be printed and distributed along with 1100 copies of Lesley Jackson’s book, Modern British Furniture: ‘design since 1945’, which are presented to the best Design & Technology students around the country, as part of our School Book Prize initiative.

Dominic, a student at St. Ambrose College, will also attend our Young Furniture Makers’ exhibition at Furniture Makers’ Hall on Tuesday 11 October, where his poster will be on show.

Thanks to DFS for once again supporting this competition.

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