Award winning upholstery & soft furnishings training centre Wendy Shorter Interiors celebrated its 10 year anniversary last weekend by holding an open day.

The Hertfordshire-based business was set up in July 2006 by Wendy Shorter when West Herts College lost their funding for craft courses.

Wendy established the centre to ensure students could complete their assessment work.

Hundreds of students have passed through the doors of Wendy’s training centre during the 10 years it has been open, with many having gone on to work within the industry or start their own business.

One of her first students, Tricia Butterworth, is still at the training centre supporting the delivery of the soft furnishing courses.

Members of the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers (AMUSF), The Furniture Makers’ Company and the Upholders, plus family and friends came together to celebrate the anniversary and achievement of the centre’s latest set of students on  Saturday 23 July.

The day included a prize ceremony with awards sponsored by the AMUSF, the Upholders and The Furniture Makers’ Company.

This year The Furniture Makers’ Company sponsored prizes to the value of £150 for each of the centre’s Stage 3 upholstery students who achieved a distinction for their work.

The prizes were presented by the Master, Ben Burbidge.

Wendy Shorter said: “I really appreciate the support and encouragement that all these wonderful people and organisations give us and I look forward to the next 10 years.”

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