If you’re unable to organise a Step 2 It event, but still want to get involved, we will be setting a new online challenge every couple of months that solo competitors and virtual squads can tackle from home. All our challenges can be found on the Step 2 It campaign page.

This month’s challenge

Ruairi Giles, commercial director of bed manufacturer Harrison Spinks, is putting his best foot forward for The Furniture Makers’ Company and running the 2021 Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 3 October. Over September or October we are calling on you to stand (and run) in solidarity with Ruairi and walk, jog or crawl 26.2 miles in your local area. You can do this in one go or divide the challenge into 26 runs – or anything in between. Calling on your friends, colleagues and co-workers for sponsorship is an absolute must and maybe you can make a donation to Ruairi’s total?

So what are the steps to success…

Step one

It’s time to dust off your trainers, charge your fitness tracker and plan your route – you got this, we believe in you. You can start the challenge at any point from 1 September.

Step two

Set up a Just Giving page, linking it to the overall Step 2 it campaign, and appeal to your friends, family and co-workers to sponsor you and help raise money for our charity.

Step three

Use social media to tell as many people as possible of your involvement. Posting regular content is important as it will raise awareness of our charity and encourage others to join in. Tag us in your posts so we can share your updates

Step four

Keep in touch with us throughout your challenge and check our website during the month it is on for special content. Once it is over, we want to hear from you as to how it went so we can congratulate and thank you! 

We would like to thank the British Furniture Manufacturers for signing up as Bronze sponsors of the Step 2 It campaign and sponsoring the October challenge.

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