You may be sitting in your office or at home absorbing all the information being reported about our new Step 2 It campaign but scratching your head, agonising over how you can get involved.

Maybe you feel like you haven’t got the bandwidth to organise an event, either for yourself or your company at the moment, but would like to join in the fun.

We really do want to get the whole industry moving over the next 12 months. To that end, throughout the campaign we will be setting six bimonthly online challenges to encourage solo competitors or time poor squads to join the Step 2 It community.

This month’s challenge

In May and June we are challenging you to reach 10,000 steps a day for 30 days straight. It sounds easy but it will require you to be walking for over an hour each day to hit the target. There is an honesty toll for not completing your daily steps of £5 per day. If this sounds too easy for you then up your daily step target to 15,000, but remember the toll still applies. This is easy to do solo or compete virtually against a group of friends, family members or colleagues.

So what are the steps to success…

Step one

It’s time to dust off your trainers, charge your fitness tracker and plan your route – you got this, we believe in you. You can start the challenge at any point now.

Step two

Use social media to tell as many people as possible of your involvement. Posting regular content is important as it will raise awareness of our charity and encourage others to join in. Tag us in your posts so we can share your updates.

Step three

Keep in touch with us throughout your challenge and check our website during the month it is on for special content. Once it is over, we want to hear from you as to how it went so we can congratulate and thank you!

Step four

After your 30 days are up, count any days you didn’t hit 10,000 steps and pay the honesty toll by making a donation through the campaign page. If you want to donate anything extra, we would be incredibly grateful.

We would like to thank corporate member Whitemeadow Furniture for sponsoring the May challenge.

Commenting, Karen Clarridge, HR manager at Whitemeadow Furniture, said: “The financial support that The Furniture Makers’ Company provides to those who work or have worked in our industry is nothing short of remarkable, touching so many lives.  When I first heard about the charity and the help they provide I was blown away.  The charity has helped employees of Whitemeadow Furniture in the past and we see this as a great opportunity to say thank you.”

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