Past Master Robin Waring was a larger-than-life character with an infectious personality, a broad sense of humour and a healthy disdain for convention. Robin was treasurer of the Company for several years before becoming Master of the Furniture Makers in 1990 to 1991. 

Professionally, Robin was an accountant through and through, he could add up until his early nineties faster than most people could use a calculator, and he loved nothing better than arguing a quotation or a bill. Once he qualified, he married Shirley Slater, and joined her in her family company Gimson and Slater where they were a formidable team for many years.  In 1984 the company was sold and Barton Products was established from the Gimson and Slater wood mill, through which he continued to supply the industry with timber components, frames and furniture until 2012. 

Robin was passionate about training and was a founder of WEBS, an organisation set up 50 years ago in the East Midlands to train apprentices for the furniture industry. He served on the board of Basford Hall College, championing their training schemes for furniture manufacturing. Many of his employees started as apprentices and became highly qualified wood machinists.

Robin always believed in giving back to the trade the life it had given him and throughout his career he had a loyal workforce, dependable suppliers and made many friends. 

He was happiest pottering about in boats, skiing, shooting, walking his dogs or taking his early morning swim, which he maintained until 18 months ago.  He is survived by his loving wife Shirley, his children Sally, Amanda and Peter, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. 

There will be a private family cremation, with a ‘Celebration of Life’ to be held later in the year.

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