The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education are seeking furniture industry experts to review the following apprenticeships standards submitted by the Trailblazer Groups:

  • Furniture Making Operative
  • Mattress Manufacturing Operative
  • Upholstery Operative
  • Furniture Finisher
  • Wood Machinist

Each of these will require an independent peer review when the standard is submitted for approval.  The review forms part of the approvals process and the essential purpose is to consider the extent to which the apprenticeship would prepare someone to work .

The draft apprenticeships will be available for independent review over the next few months (a review would typically take a couple of hours) and someone could either undertake a review pro bono or apply to join the pool of independent reviewers, to review other materials too, and be eligible for a fee on completion of the contract process. It is not necessary to have educational experience, the commitment is not onerous, and the role highly flexible.

Please contact Lisa Williamson ( if you are interested in this role or would like further information.

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