The Furniture Makers’ Company is encouraging its members and the entire furnishing industry to support an online Government consultation for the approval to develop the Level 3 Furniture Apprenticeship Standard.

The Employer Trailblazer Group, led by Senator International, has made a submission to Government to develop a new Level 3 Furniture Apprenticeship Standard.

This survey invites industry to comment on proposals to develop new Apprenticeship Standards submitted this month by employer groups, before a decision is made on whether to approve them for further development.

The consultation closes on Sunday 11 December.

Ben Burbidge, Master of The Furniture Makers’ Company, said: “The Furniture Makers’ Company is wholeheartedly backing the development of the Level 3 Furniture Apprenticeship Standard and would encourage the entire furnishing industry to support the campaign by completing the online survey.

“The Level 2 Furniture Apprenticeship Standard was successfully developed and given ministerial approval earlier this year, thanks to the support of the furnishing industry. We now need the industry to rally together in order to get approval for the development of the Level 3 Standard.”

You can pledge your support by completing the online survey.

If you have any questions or want to get more involved please contact

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