Over the summer Furniture Makers’ Hall has had a radical refurbishment – removing walls, raising the ceiling, installing the latest AV equipment – to create a stunning meeting and venue space that can cater for events of all shapes and sizes.

Once again our members have made generous donations to help make this happen:

  • Peter and Sue Kelsey have donated the new flooring for the ground floor through Designer Contracts
  • Gary Baker kindly arrange for CD UK to produce and donate all the Corian for our new lavatories
  • Tony Attard donated curtains from Panaz for the new David Burbidge Room
  • David Burbidge made a donation towards our new state of the art Audio Visual equipment
  • Senator has donated the new chairs for the David Burbidge Room
  • Muirhead has donated the leather hides for the new chairs
  • Peter Head of Hands of Wycombe has donated the lovely new reception desk
  • As part of the refit we have also had the Master and Wardens’ chairs restored.  This was generously supported by liverymen Edward Tadros, John Kitching and Hugh Garforth-Bles.


Design Guild Mark award holders Chris Eckersley and Mark Gabbertas have their furniture in place in Reception, courtesy of manufacturers Sitting Firm and Chorus.  This is part of a new programme to feature Design Guild Mark awarded designs in the Hall, and the pieces will change three or four times a year.

The Hall welcomed members last week to the official reopening, including an Admissions Ceremony to admit 13 new members, followed by a drinks reception.

For anyone who couldn’t join us please do call in at any time to see the new David Burbidge Room, reception area, cloakroom and state of the art gentlemen’s loos. Ladies facilities on the first floor and a redecorated lift will follow shortly.

Members are offered discounted rates to use the Hall for either business or private meetings and events, from dinners and board meetings, to weddings and birthdays! Download the flyer, top right, for more details.

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