L-R: Luke Robinson, Ismail Miah, Reem Haneman, Christian Freer, Gary Smith, Carlo Dunn and James Jackson.

Liveryman Gary Smith recently attended London South Bank University (LSBU) to contribute to the marking process of the Product Design and Engineering Product Design students’ second year project work.

Gary was invited to support the university’s teaching team adjudicate the second year students’ work by Robin Jones, Head of Division, Engineering and Design at LSBU.

The Person Support project, which is part of the module Design Thinking and Applications, aims to get students to reassess the notion of sitting, with the brief to support a person for approximately 20 minutes using creative methods.
Gary spent time with lecturers Andrew Forkes, Dr Deborah Andrews and Barney Townsend and contributed to the moderation marking of the work and feedback to students.

After an intense critique process the panel reflected on the best work shown and chose the top three projects.

Carlo Dunn BSc Product Design
James Jackson BSc Product Design

Reem Haneman BSc Engineering Product Design
Christian Freer BSc Engineering Product Design

Ismail Miah BSc Product Design
Luke Robinson BSc Engineering Product Design

Christian Freer said: “We had to design and build in teams a rig for a person support that could be used in public areas. Reem and I were partnered together. As a team we worked through the design processes, combining both our ideas. After many hours in the workshops and computer labs, we finalised a design called ‘The Piano’. Reem and I really enjoyed working on this project and started of the year with success.”

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