Testing house SATRA has appointed liveryman Phil Reynolds as divisional manager to lead its furniture and floor coverings department.

Phil has over 19 years’ experience in the furniture industry, during which time he has specialised in furniture testing, standards and regulation.

He is currently chair of the British Standards Institute committee for developing furniture standards (FW/0), as well as convenor of two European standards working groups for non-domestic furniture and common test methods for furniture (CEN TC207 WG5 and WG9).

In addition, Phil sits as an expert on numerous British, European and international standards for furniture and childcare items, covering both structural and fire safety requirements.

SATRA CEO John Hooker with Phil Reynolds

“I am excited to be joining SATRA at this challenging time for the UK furnishings and floorings industry,” says Phil.

“As we enter a new trading relationship with the world and start to leave the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, it is essential that the industry has access to the most up-to-date knowledge and standards, as well as a comprehensive set of testing services. SATRA has unparalleled expertise in testing furniture, floor coverings and associated consumer products and, indeed, has one of the most comprehensive range of test facilities available in the UK. This includes not just structural testing, but textiles, leather, flammability, emissions and chemical testing expertise.

“I look forward to working with the excellent team at SATRA to provide a comprehensive set of technical services, and to support the furniture, furnishings and floor covering industry in the way it needs.”

Phil’s previous roles have included technical development manager and general manager at FIRA International Ltd, and chief operating officer for the Furniture Industry Research Association. He is also a liveryman of The Furniture Makers’ Company and sits on its Manufacturing Guild Mark Committee and the East Anglian Regional Committee.

SATRA chief executive John Hooker said: “We are delighted to appoint Phil to the senior management team at SATRA, which further strengthens our commitment to offer world class services to the furniture and floor coverings industry. We have ambitious plans for the division, investing in further testing capacity, expanding our training and consultancy services and enhancing our knowledge hub.”

Phil will be working alongside Geoff Bindley, head of furniture and floor coverings, senior team leader Johnny Worthington and team leader Phil Weal to grow the division.

For further information please email furniture@satra.com or visit www.satra.com/furniture

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