Day two takes the riders out of St Malo by hugging the coastline and the early stages give us a true taste of Brittany. The cyclists will pass the small fishing port of Cancale, famous for its fresh oysters, before searching for the misty outline of Mont-St-Michel across the marshes and the vivid colours of the Cote d’Emeraude.

The Abbey, situated on top of a large distinctive mound connected to the mainland via a causeway, was established here in the 8th century and is the most viewed landmark in France after the Eiffel Tower.

Mont St-Michel is the highest piece of land for many miles around and on clear day will be visible. Pedalling southwards and away from the coast, the cyclists’ route winds gently through the tranquil lanes of rural Normandy and Brittany as they weave their way past golden fields of hay and deep green pastures.

By early afternoon they’ll reach Combourg, one of the region’s Petites Cités de Caractère, a small and picturesque town which was once home the renowned French writer François-René de Chateaubriand and is thus considered, by the world of French literature, to be the “cradle of Romanticism”. Putting romance aside for an hour or so and concentrating on their appetites, the cyclists will enjoy a picnic lunch on the banks of the Linon River.

Fed and watered, they’ll saddle up and continue their journey south through the quiet country lanes as they head for Chateabourg.

Check back tomorrow for the next stage of the group’s trip and join in the conversation on Twitter with #Ldn2Bdx.

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