A young furniture maker who exhibited at our 2019 Young Furniture Makers exhibition is looking for a manufacturer for his unusual Resolution Chair.

Furniture designer Joseph Boobier, who studied at the Manchester School of Art, is mentored by Simon Acres, Group MD at The Simon Acres Group, (SAGL).

The striking back to back Resolution Chair, designed to be perfectly balanced with two people, is proving popular with KBB retailers that have taken it as a display in their showrooms. Customers are encouraged to use it, to help decide on their new kitchen or bathroom. 

Joseph said: “For me the chair is a visual and interactive demonstration that conflict is never resolved unless both sides sit down together to talk and listen. The chair is uncomfortable and unstable when used by one person but when two people sit on the chair, there is increased stability and comfort.”

Simon adds: “They say that behind every great design is a great story and this is certainly the case with Joseph’s resolution chair. 

“Joseph is a bright young talent and by supporting him we are playing a part in developing future generations of furniture makers, and inspiring excellence in design and manufacture.

“We are grateful for the support we have received from the industry so far.  Gary Smith from Tusler Studio has provided technical drawings for a CNC manufacturer use, and global design solution provider 2020 have created images to be utilised within CAD design projects. We are now looking for a manufacturer that has the skills to work with Joseph and help us drive forward sales in the KBB sector.”

You can visit a short film, explaining the concept behind the Resolution Chair here.

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