The Furniture Makers’ Company got the sweet taste of victory at the annual Pancake Race held on Shrove Tuesday (21 February).

The event, which has been organised by the Poulters’ Company since 2004, takes place in Guildhall Yard in the City of London.

Originally restricted to livery companies in some way associated with the making of pancakes (the Poulters take the eggs, the Fruiterers the lemons and the Cutlers the plastic forks), the event has been extended for all livery companies to take part in.

The event includes competitors racing in their livery gowns and/or fancy dress. Each team consists of four competitors who compete for the trophy – frying pans are awarded to the winner of each class final.

The Furniture Makers’ racers this year were Tony Attard OBE DL, Master; Brian Ahern, junior warden; Paul Hammond, freeman; and Nancy Wellman, regional fundraising administrator.

Kicking off the day was the Masters’ race. The Master wishing to lead by example got the team off to a terrific start by winning his heat, despite an initial false start and tossing his pancake several more times than he needed.

Next up was the liveryman race, with Brian Ahern representing the Company in what was a competitive race that left Brian with the wooden spoon.

Paul Hammond, who was admitted as a freeman on 16 February, competed in the novelty race, which requires the participants to race while in a costume. Dressed as a mobile phone, Paul beat off the competition to win his heat.

Finally, Nancy, who was competing in the ladies’ race, proved to be the ‘most valuable player’ of the team, as not only did she win her heat, her quick race time saw her qualify for the final race which she also won, making her the overall winner of the day.

After the race, the team were invited to attend an informal buffet lunch in the crypt of Guildhall. Following lunch there was an award ceremony where Nancy was presented with two pan trophies.

The final
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