The Furniture and Interiors Education Skills and Training Alliance (FIESTA) has joined forces with eight other organisations to launch a new sector voice that will work with government to grow the number of high-quality apprenticeships in the manufacturing sector.

Apprenticeships in Manufacturing (AiM) was launched by Minister for Skills Alex Burghart MP on 8 February.

Through collaborative working, the group will attempt to address the challenges businesses face with hiring apprentices and training their existing workforce, which have been exacerbated by the pandemic.

The nine members of AiM are: Cogent Skills, Engineering and Machinery Alliance (EAMA), Enginuity, Food and Drink Federation (FDF), Furniture Interiors Education Skills & Training Alliance (FIESTA), Make UK, National Skills Academy for Food and Drink (NSAFD), UK Fashion and Textile Association (UKFT) and the UK Metals Council (UKMC)

The group will have close links with the National Manufacturing Skills Taskforce and is supported by the Department for Education, BEIS, DEFRA, DWP and the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

The minister said: “The group has my full support in its vital agenda to grow the number of high-quality apprenticeships, the opportunities for young people, the number of manufacturing SMEs offering apprenticeships, and apprenticeships in new and Net Zero sectors.”

Anita Davenport-Brooks of the Lander Group, chairman of AiM, said: “I am excited and honoured to be part of the AiM Group and look forward to working with the members to grow the number of high-quality apprenticeships in the manufacturing sector.  I believe that apprenticeships bring a valuable return on investment, not only financially but in every area of any business and I am passionate about the benefits they bring for individuals too. I have seen apprentices with differing abilities grow, develop and obtain substantive roles and there is common agreement that apprenticeships develop sustainable talent. I want to see AiM achieving on its objectives and growing more of this wonderful skilled talent for our sector.”

The Furniture Makers’ Company is a founding member of FIESTA and sits on the FIESTA executive.

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