Paul Puskarich, MA Design Products RCA, with Heatsink Chair


We are delighted to announce the launch of a new education initiative, the Royal Charter Scholarship Fund, to commemorate our Company being awarded a Royal Charter and to support promising young graduates, preparing them to become the future leaders, craftsman and innovators of this rewarding industry.

With the ever increasing cost of tuition fees, scholarships and bursaries are needed and appreciated more than ever.  A scholarship can make a huge difference to the recipient and in many cases enable a student, who otherwise would not have the chance, to continue their education.

The fund will provide a scholarship to a minimum of four post graduate students each year.

We needed to raise £20,000 to establish the Royal Charter Scholarship Fund and we are delighted to announce that over £21,000 has been raised through the appeal.

We would like to thank the many generous supporters who helped reach this target including all our Education Champions listed on the right.

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