Corporate member Hypnos was one of the bed industry’s big winners at last night’s (21 September 2021) Bed Awards, scooping the inaugural Sustainability Award.

Hypnos pulled out all the stops demonstrating activity and progress on all the award’s criteria – product design, procurement, process improvement, packaging, transport, waste and energy, end of life, employee and customer engagement and corporate social responsibility.

Notable achievements include 10 years carbon neutral; circularly designed mattresses; renewable and recyclable plastic packaging; direct home delivery service; mattress recycling scheme; social enterprise projects and a new sustainability partnership with Plant Mark / Eden Project.

The other winners from the night were Shire Beds for Bed Product of the Year; John Cotton Non-Wovens for Component Product of the Year; Dreams for National Bed Retailer of the Year; Mattress Online for Online Bed Retailer of the Year and Southeast-based Sussex Beds for NBF Retail Champion of the Year.

The Bed Awards ceremony and Gala Dinner, part of the Bed Show trade exhibition, was held at Telford International Centre’s Ludlow Suite, hosted by top comic and writer, Jo Caulfield, and was attended by more than 350 guests from the industry, including Master David Woodward who spoke to the guests at the gala dinner about the Step 2 It campaign.

“The annual awards are industry-renowned for recognising the standout companies in the bed sector. In a year of change, we congratulate all those who put themselves forward to be judged, and celebrate all the brilliant finalists and award winners,” said David Moffitt, president of the NBF.

James Keen, chief executive of Hypnos, said: “We’re pioneers for sustainable change so we’re always looking at ways we can improve or enhance the ethical way in which we operate. Receiving this award recognises this commitment and means so much to everyone in the business. We’re all incredibly passionate about being sustainable and this award is testament to the dedication of every employee in the business who works extremely hard to ensure that every bed we produce meets our exacting ethical standards.

“The last 12 months has seen Hypnos achieve the prestigious ‘The Planet Mark – Carbon Neutral Certification’, the Global Recycling Standard and a Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development for its commitment to environmentally-friendly design, sourcing transparency and ethical bed-making. We’re incredibly proud to be able to add the NBF Sustainable Award to this list of achievements and we don’t plan on slowing down any time soon. Going forward, we plan to pursue our sustainability and net zero journey by continuing to reflect on our business and developing new and innovative ways that can help the environment. We will remain industry leaders for sustainability, providing ethical solutions at each stage of bed production and how our business operates.”

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