Our charity has been supporting UK furnishing industry workers since 1903, and we are proudly supporting those who have been affected by the current crisis.

Below are a just a few of the people we have already helped.

Sam’s story

Sam was recently made redundant from his job at a bespoke furniture and joinery company when it sadly went insolvent. He had been working in the furnishing industry for a few years, starting as an intern, and his career was progressing quickly.

Unable to find new work and with money drying up, Sam reached out to The Furniture Makers’ Company for support.We were able to award him a two-month hardship grant to cover essential bills.

Sam said: “It’s a stressful time, and one that I’d never thought I’d find myself in. Your support will go a long way in allowing me some breathing space while I reassess my options.”

Richard’s story

Richard is a self-employed furniture designer. His business was impacted by COVID-19 after several of his international clients halted all business transactions, leaving him with a shortage of work and income.

He reached out to The Furniture Makers’ Company and was pleased to hear that we could provide some support through a £500 hardship grant for sole traders.

“I was amazed by how quick and easy the process was,” he said. “I enquired on the Friday and by the Monday I had been awarded the grant!”

Nicholas’ story

Nicholas, a self-employed designer-maker, has been unable to complete projects or secure new commissions due to COVID-19.

He and his partner had manageable debt from moving home, but the shortage of work has exhausted their reserves and put a financial strain on the relationship.

Nicholas contacted The Furniture Makers’ Company after searching for support online and was pleased to hear that we could provide a £500 grant for self-employed workers.

The grant will help cover the couple’s household bills and allow Nicholas to buy materials for new designs, putting him in a good position to jumpstart his business once the lockdown is lifted.

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