Carol Service – Tower of London

Furniture Makers and their guests were privileged to join The Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants at a Carol Service held in the Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula within the inner precincts of the Tower of London.
While waiting at the Westgate we were able to view the panorama of the Thames, decorated with Christmas lighting

Reverend Canon Roger Hall, MBE, welcomed us to the service with a brief history of this fine example of a Tudor Church and amusingly reminded us that we were close to the remains of so many notable persons recently executed in the TV series “Wolf Hall”, namely Sir Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell and Queen Anne Boleyn, buried in the Chapel.
The very traditional service found the congregation in good voice with well-known carols, and lessons being read by the Masters of the two Companies and our own Senior Warden.
Following the service about 20 Furniture Makers walked the short distance to St Katherines Dock where we enjoyed a festive meal in a restaurant and finally departed with good wishes to all our friends for the Season