Corporate member Silentnight  has announced a new partnership with the UK’s leading marine charity, Marine Conservation Society, pledging financial support for its work to ensure our seas are healthy, pollution-free and protected.

Silentnight staff will also be getting involved in the charity’s programme of beach cleans and wider initiatives to protect of our seas, shores and wildlife. Last year alone, the Marine Conservation Society removed 568,000 pieces of litter from our coasts.

Silentnight take numerous measures in a bid to become completely environmentally friendly. Some of these include a recently launched eco-friendly mattress that is no longer double-bagged in plastic, recycling 100% of its manufacturing waste. 90% of general waste. It is also on track to become a carbon-neutral business by mid-2018

Silentnight’s ‘trade in’ scheme means any customer can have their own mattress taken away from by the company and disposed responsibly by the bed manufacturer.

Steve Freeman, Managing Director of Silentnight, said: “Sustainability has been ingrained within the business for a long time and last year we were honoured to be granted the Sustainability Award from The Furniture Makers’ Company, recognising our commitment to having a positive impact on the planet.”


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