Corporate member Blum kindly hosted a Best Practice Day for fellow members on how to develop a leadership programme in February.

The event, which took place on Thursday 23 February at Blum’s head office in Milton Keynes, was hosted by Ina Kacenaite, learning and development specialist at Blum, and Peter Holland, principal of Linear Consulting and organiser of the Best Practice Days.

The theme of the day was ‘Impactful Leadership Development’. The event explored what a leadership development strategy includes, guidance on the specific steps to implement a successful leadership development programme and advice on how to develop a strategy, set the objectives, measure activities and outcomes. Delegates were also given exclusive insight into Blum’s own UK leadership strategy.

Organiser Peter Holland said: “The leadership development day at Blum provoked fresh thinking for the common challenges faced by the group, including intergenerational communication, leading remote teams and the qualities and behaviours required by leaders in today’s constantly evolving world. Blum gave us insights on how their organisation are making significant changes to the structure and interpersonal development of their leadership teams which provided all of us with valuable take aways to explore at our own firms.”

The Best Practice Day is a free event open to all our corporate members and is designed to facilitate open innovation and shared learning among businesses. The biannual event is hosted by a corporate member with each one focusing on a particular area that the host company excels in.

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