Damian Walters, chief executive of the British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation (BiKBBI), is back in the UK after having to call off his attempt to summit Mount Everest, 700 feet from the top, due to severe weather conditions.

Damian set off on his journey on Saturday 8 April, but was forced to abandon his climb at 28,300 feet, when life threatening winds and stormy weather conditions made it too treacherous for the expedition continue.

In his pursuit for the summit, Damian endured a two month expedition that included extreme weather, severe altitude sickness, a two stone weight loss and conditions that prevented many climbers from reaching the top.

Damian self-funded his trip but has raised £33,000 for The Furniture Makers’ Company, the furnishing industry’s charity, through corporate sponsorship and donations from the industry, friends and family.

Damian’s suit and flag sponsors included Cabinet Maker, Chimera Insurance, Classi Seal by Classic Marble, Designer Contracts, Geoflex Shield, HIPPO™, Furniture Village, Instant Print W1, KBB Review, NICEIC, The January Furniture Show, TradePoint and UK Special Risks.

Damian will be sharing stories and his experiences of the trip on 27 June at Furniture Makers’ Hall as part of the Company’s June Freeman Admissions Ceremony.

Damian said: “The past two months on Everest was harder than I could ever imagine, but an incredible expedition nevertheless. I’m immensely proud of reaching the point I did and I see it as a great personal victory. It is easy once you’re up there for climbers to succumb to a ‘summiting at any cost’ mentality, but returning home from the mountain is more important to me and of course my family. I want to personally thank the sponsors, particularly my main sponsor Classic Marble, for helping me to raise £33,000 so far for such a worthy cause.”

Dr Tony Smart MBE, Master of The Furniture Makers’ Company, said: “On behalf of The Furniture Makers’ Company, I would like to congratulate Damian for achieving something truly special. This accomplishment needs to be recognised and celebrated, particularly as he has been raising money for our charity. We look forward to hearing about his experience later this month.”

Christopher Hackett, Classic Marble’s managing director, said: “Everyone at Classi would like to congratulate Damian for what has been a huge challenge. We are delighted to have been the main sponsor for his expedition up Everest.”

You can sponsor Damian by going to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/DamianclimbsEverest or by contacting Richard Ainsworth, fundraising manager at The Furniture Makers’

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