The Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers (AMUSF) is supporting a new study that’s investigating the possible harmful effects of the chemicals used in flame retardant materials like foam and fabrics.

AMUSF member Delyth Fetherston-Dilke is working with Professor Stuart Harrad and Doctor Mohamed Abdullah at Birmingham University on a funding application for a study that will measure the occupational exposure of upholsterers to flame retardant chemicals.

The study, which is set to start in January 2024, is looking for 100 volunteers aged 21-65 who have worked for five years+ as upholsterers whether in new furniture or re-upholstery. Each volunteer would be posted six silicon wristbands -three to be worn on days off and three to be worn on upholstery workshop days when working with flame retardant chemical treated materials. The university will then spend the next 12 months analysing the quantity of certain flame-retardant chemicals that were picked up by each wristband.

Currently, flame-retardant chemicals are used to ensure furniture complies with the 1988 Furniture Fire Safety Regulations. The UK government has been considering reform to the 1988 Furniture Fire Safety Regulations for over 10 years. Birmingham University believes that this new study could provide valuable data that could help the UK government prioritise this reform.

The AMUSF is encouraging its members to take part. Please contact Delyth Fetherston-Dilke if you would lie to take part: 07710 403 557

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