Anti Copying in Design (ACID) has added new features to its Design Databank and renamed it the ACID Copyright & Design Databank.

Users of the databank can now upload copyright works, such as novels, artwork, plans, photography, CAD drawings, business documents, agreements and responses to tenders.

The databank also has a new feature where a downloadable certificate is created every time a user completes an upload.

The downloadable certificate, which is signed by ACID’s Chief Legal Counsel, Nick Kounoupias, has a unique identification reference and is approved by the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit.

DCI Peter Ratcliffe, Head of PIPCU, said: “PIPCU is delighted that ACID is working in partnership with the UK Government regarding their new Copyright and Design Databank. The ACID Databank is an excellent initiative which will help prevent IP crime and assist designers in protecting their work. We would like to add our full support to the initiative and we will continue to work closely with ACID in the fight against IP crime.”

Baroness Neville-Rolfe, Minister for Intellectual Property, said: “Design’s contribution to the UK economy cannot be underestimated and I welcome ACID’s latest innovative IP initiative.  Giving designers access to a design databank, which now includes copyright works, supports economic growth.  Certificates bearing the ACID Brand will add a strong deterrent message to would-be infringers.”

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