Our annual Carol Service this year was a delightful occasion, breaking with tradition, held at the invitation of the Master in the Chapel of the Geffrye Museum.

The Museum was originally built as the Ironmongers Company Almshouses in 1714 and is now the home of a fascinating collection of furniture displayed in period rooms spanning from 1600 to the present day.

The Company Chaplain, the Revd. George Bush, took the service from a lofty perch which he particularly enjoyed as he had always had the ambition to preach in this location situated within his first parish following his ordination.

An earlier incumbent had bemoaned the old ladies of the almshouses struggling to sing during their compulsory services, but we gave fine voice accompanied by the St. Mary-le-Bow choir singing “a capella”

Following the service we were pleased to welcome a number of new Freemen in an Admission Ceremony held in the adjacent Reading Room.

They were:- Paul Douglas, Carsten Duvander, Jonathan Field, Stephen Franklin, Rick Keen, Richard Stringer, Andrew Sykes and Richard Warmisham.

Brief profiles are available here

Members and guests then took the opportunity to explore the Museum before the evening was completed by a convivial buffet supper served in the 20th. Century wing

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