Design Guild Mark Holder
Name of Designer:
Mark Gabbertas181

Serac is a range of tables in various heights and diameters and finishes. For the frame, it uses a deceptively simple pattern which is repeated and joined to create a rigid 3 dimensional structure. The proportion and geometry of this volume changes slightly to suit the different table sizes and heights. The result is an intriguing arrangement of lines in space which alters depending on one’s perspective.
Mark Gabbertas was born in Yorkshire in 1962 and came to the world of furniture design in a circuitous way having started his working life in advertising before changing career path to train as a cabinet maker. Apprenticed to Codrington Furniture and then with Stemmer and Sharp in the acclaimed Oblique Workshops in Hackney, it was Hackney he chose to found his own design/making studio in 1994. In 2001, he established the Gabbertas Studio in West London to focus on furniture design, before moving the main studio to the Oxfordshire countryside in 2016.