Design Guild Mark Holder
Mr Knock 1
Name of Designer:
Samuel Chan171
Customisation is a perennial theme in Samuel Chan’s design thinking: “I like designing quick, easy ways of customizing furniture. It means the user can own and connect with the design, which I think is important. And they can change the way they use the piece over time, in different interiors.” ‘Mr Knock I’ is a modular bookcase system featuring two widths of box shelf: one at 900mm, one at 450mm. Infinite configurations are possible (the images show units built into a 4-metre wall; a single column of 7 shelves; a small two-unit side cabinet). Seen from plan, each unit is a quadrangle with one angled side (providing deeper storage at one end graduating to shallow storage on the other). When combined, the opposing angles create a powerful visual presence. Units fit together by slotting round feet on the unit base into recesses on the corresponding unit’s top (like building blocks).
Born in Hong Kong and educated in Britain, Samuel Chan spent seven years training to be a furniture designer in London, Middlesex and Buckinghamshire Universities. After completing his Masters degree, he worked initially in hotel design. In 1995 Samuel set up Channels a furniture company known for clean, contemporary design and excellent craftsmanship.