Case Studies
Craig’s story
Craig’s story
Craig’s life was turned upside down following a series of strokes that left him unable to work and provide for his family.
Craig has worked as a mattress assembler and more recently as a goods-in porter for over 15 years.
Without Craig’s source of income, the family started to struggle with paying the bills. Fortunately, the human resources team at Craig’s employer pointed him in our direction to see if we could help.
Our welfare officer, Sue, quickly assessed Craig’s household income and expenditure and was able to process his application swiftly. A large grant was awarded to soften the family’s cash flow difficulties, enabling Craig to focus on his recovery in preparation for a phased return to the workplace, as was recommended by his health care professionals.
Craig said: “The help my family received from The Furniture Makers’ Company eased our financial burden considerably allowing me to focus on my recovery. We will forever be grateful and humbled by your generous help, thank you.”