60 for 60
To celebrate 60 years of being a City of London livery company, in 2023, we are honouring 60 young people working in the furnishing industry who are emerging as leaders within their field and ‘ones to watch’.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Furniture Makers as the 83rd livery company of the City of London. Rather than reflecting on past achievements, we want to use this milestone to focus on the future and celebrate the young individuals who will shape the industry going forward. Our campaign for 2023, ’60 for 60′, recognised 60 exceptional young people in the UK furniture and furnishing industry who exhibit dedication to their careers and show promise as future leaders.

What the winner’s receive
Esteemed recognition from the industry’s most prestigious, respected institution
An award certificate
Digital assets to promote the achievement
Inclusion in press activity and social media
Inclusion in a commemorative 60 for 60 booklet
Invitation to an exclusive networking event with other winners
Professional development, including the offer of a mentor, and networking opportunities
Discounted membership to the livery

The Judging Panel
Any questions?
If you have a question, please contact George Cooper, marketing and communications manager, by calling 020 7562 8522 or emailing