Past Master Dids Macdonald OBE has won the legal category in the UK Enterprise Nation Awards 2022.

Enterprise Nation celebrates advisers from across the UK and Ireland, whose support and expertise has shaped some of the most successful small businesses.

Dids Macdonald, OBE., CEO of ACID, said: “I’m delighted to be honoured by such a prestigious organisation. Enterprise Nation is such a great resource for SMEs. By ensuring that IP creators continually have the best possible practical tips and advice ensures IP as a positive force for growth. Paramount is the need for strong protection in, sadly, a world of copycats, so IP knowledge is strength.”

ACID recently launched the ACID IP Charter to further the aims of a united design community, asking people and businesses to stand up for respect, ethics, and compliance in the design industry.

In early 2023, Dids will be in talks with the government for the 2023 Design Consultation. ACID has asked for input from designers and created ACID’s Top Ten suggestions to propose IP reform to the IPO. Created by designers, for designers. A large element of such suggestions is aimed at cracking down on David vs Goliath situations in our continued fight for lone, micro, and SME support against the behemoths.

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