Having been cancelled for two years due to the Covid pandemic it was an extra special occasion this year when all the Livery Companies and Guilds of the City of London met for their annual service at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The spirit was reminiscent of the first such service in 1943 when it was held to give thanks for the exodus from the Blitz of the 2nd World War. This day we met to give thanks for the recovery from the Covid pandemic, and also to remember those who had suffered over the last two years and to recognise all those suffering during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

For the Furniture Makers it was particularly special for Liverymen and their guests to return to Furniture Makers’ Hall and enjoy the convivial lunch with friends old and new, hosted by Immediate Past Master, Dids Macdonald. We noted that the Master, David Woodward, was at the very moment walking the Grand Union Canal raising funds for the Charity, and that he would be pleased to know that the 1st lesson in the service had an appropriate theme of river and new life. We wished him well in his endeavours.

In summary an uplifting day which found the Company in good heart and looking forward to more events.

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