Liveryman Niall Head Rapson, director of McDaniels Law, and Dids Macdonald OBE, Immediate Past Master and CEO of Anti Copying in Design, are to share their insights on IP and design protection at a special webinar next month just before the postponed January Furniture Show takes place.

The event, which is scheduled for 12 April at 11.00am, will answer the following questions:

  1. What is intellectual property?
  2. Why is it important?
  3. How can I protect my designs?
  4. Online theft, what can I do?
  5. What are the myths surrounding IP?

Dids will share some of her practical insights into building a pro-active intellectual property strategy to enhance growth and protect designs. Dids, whose designs were copied shamelessly by some major high street retailers, believes that taking a few steps to better understand the laws that protect designers can make all the difference.

Attendees will get to ask Niall, who is an expert in design law, any IP questions they may have. He’ll also dispel some of the myths about IP.

Dids said: “British furniture designers and makers are some of the best in the world but unfortunately, there are those that want to take the fast track to market by free riding on your ideas and creativity to copy or ‘adapt’ them.”

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