Joseph Boobier, a young designer being mentored by The Simon Acres Group (SAGL), has made a short film explaining the concept behind his first design piece, the Resolution Chair. 

The chair was inspired after Joseph visited Palestine and Israel and is based on the importance of compromise in resolving conflict.  In the film Joseph talks about how conflicts in the home could be resolved with the help of the chair.

Joseph said: “For me the chair is a visual and interactive demonstration that conflict is never resolved unless both sides sit down together to talk and listen. The chair is uncomfortable and unstable when used by one person but when two people sit on the chair, there is increased stability and comfort.”

The striking design of the back to back chair is proving popular with kbb retailers that see the value in having it on display in the showroom, asking customers to use it as they make decisions about their kitchen.

Simon Acres, director at SAGL, added: “They say that behind every great design is a great story and this is certainly the case with Joseph’s Resolution Chair.  I am delighted that it is proving so popular with kbb retailers, and hope that the film will help us introduce it to many more showrooms.

The new Joseph Boobier film can be found here.

Simon Acres, who is a liveryman of the Company, first met Joseph when the latter was exhibiting at the 2019 Young Furniture Makers exhibition.

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