The Furniture Makers’ Company is encouraging visitors and exhibitors at the January Furniture Show to visit its stand (1B90) and sign up to its One Step at a Time campaign.

The campaign, which launched in May 2019, is challenging companies in the furnishing sector to raise awareness of the organisation’s occupational welfare support so every industry colleague knows where to turn in times of financial need.

Around 70 companies and brands have signed up in support of the campaign so far, taking the charity over two thirds of the way to its target of 100 companies supporting the initiative by May 2020.

For the first time in several years, the Furniture Makers is exhibiting at the January Furniture Show, which takes place from 19-22 January at the NEC, Birmingham, and the organisation is hoping exhibiting and visiting companies will take the opportunity to register as a One Step Champion in person.

Leading by example, the January Furniture Show is the latest organisation to sign up to the campaign, ensuring all staff who work on the exhibition know how to access support from the charity.

Dids Macdonald OBE, Master of The Furniture Makers’ Company, said: “The One Step at a Time campaign is two thirds of the way to the target, so a great big thank you to the companies who have signed up. With a 42% year on year increase of requests for help from industry colleagues, the word is clearly getting out about how The Furniture Makers’ Company can help if times get tough.”

Cleere Scamell, event director at the January Furniture Show, said: “January Furniture Show has happily signed up to the Furniture Makers’ One Step at a Time welfare campaign. This is an excellent initiative and as we take every aspect of the welfare of our staff very seriously, we consider it vital that anyone working in this great furniture industry of ours is aware of, and has easy access to the great support offered by Furniture Makers’.

“We encourage all companies exhibiting at and visiting January Furniture Show to take the time to visit the Furniture Makers’ stand in Hall 1 and add their names to the growing list of companies supporting this campaign.”

To sign up as a One Step Champion, go to

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