Paul von der Heyde, Manufacturing Guild Mark chairman, presents David Bramwell, QFC managing director, with the Manufacturing Guild Mark

Lincolnshire furniture manufacturer QFC has successfully passed the rigorous audit to retain the prestigious Manufacturing Guild Mark, demonstrating excellence in furnishing manufacturing.

Awarded by The Furniture Makers’ Company and sponsored by Lectra, the Manufacturing Guild Mark is awarded to companies that demonstrate high standards across all aspects of the business, including manufacturing, design, product quality, marketing, finance, commitment to training, employment conditions and sustainability.

The Manufacturing Guild Mark is only open to companies that manufacture most of their products in the UK. Companies undergo an audit every three years by FIRA International on behalf of The Furniture Makers’ Company to ensure their standards of operation remain high.

First awarded the mark in 2013, QFC held an event at its manufacturing facility in Grantham on 23 February to celebrate retaining the Manufacturing Guild Mark.

Presenting QFC with its Manufacturing Guild Mark certificate, Paul von der Heyde, Manufacturing Guild Mark chairman, said: “I would like to extend my congratulations to the whole team at QFC for retaining the Manufacturing Guild Mark. The Manufacturing Guild Mark is the highest accolade UK furnishing manufacturers can aspire to achieve. Unlike other Guild Marks, the Manufacturing Guild Mark is awarded to the company and not a specific product or product range. Retailers, specifiers and distributors that deal with companies that hold the mark can rest easy knowing that they are working with a business that has achieved the highest standards throughout all of its operations.”

David Bramwell, QFC managing director, said:At QFC all our employees work tremendously hard and are committed to our mission of making sofas to be proud of. To receive such prestigious independent recognition from The Furniture Makers’ Company is a brilliant achievement and makes me extremely proud of our business and everyone involved.”

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