The Lord Mayor of London, Dr Andrew Parmley, is inviting members of The Furniture Makers’ Company to attend an event on apprenticeships, their relevance and how they can rise to the challenge of modern education

The Lord Mayor’s Gresham Event will take place on 13 February 2017 at 6pm at the Guildhall Library, London.

The Lord Mayor will explore the historical background to apprenticeships their importance over the centuries, and their relevance to the future.

He will set out how apprenticeships can rise to the challenges of modern education in a modern society, provide training for working life, and benefit apprentices themselves throughout their lives.

Dr Andrew Parmley is a member of the Government’s Apprenticeship Delivery Board and keen to discuss how apprenticeships can bridge the gap between the skills that young people have in the UK, and what employers need.

There will be a chance to ask questions and debate these issues after the lecture.

For more information, click here.

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