The Master and Wardens of The Furniture Makers’ Company braved the rain last Saturday to welcome in the new Lord Mayor of London, Andrew Parmley.

The 801st Lord Mayor’s Show took place on Saturday 12 November.

Mr Parmley is the 689th Lord Mayor of the City of London. He will serve as the figurehead of the City of London Corporation and global ambassador for the UK-based financial and professional services industry.

Since 1215 every newly-elected Lord Mayor has been required to travel through the winding medieval streets of the City of London to Westminster to swear loyalty to the Crown. Over the centuries this journey has become a much loved fixture in the national cultural calendar, with hundreds of thousands of people lining the streets and millions more watching the 6,500-strong procession on TV.

This year’s pageant included 180 horses, 164 vehicles, jazz bands, steam engines, fire engines, pea harvesters, sports cars, tractors, Blackpool Tower and a tank.

Beginning with a river procession and ending with a spectacular fireworks show on the River Thames, the show involved the charities, youth associations, international organisations and businesses that capture the essence of a truly global city, including The Furniture Makers’ Company.

Master Ben Burbidge, senior warden Tony Smart and junior warden Hayden Davies of The Furniture Makers’ Company took part in the modern livery companies procession.

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