Jessica Alexander of AKA PR and the National Bed Federation is the third person to take part in our Members Focus.

Status: Liveryman and member of the Court.

What was your first job connected to the furnishings sector?

Fresh out of university I became a trainee journalist on Cabinet Maker magazine way back in 1979!

When did you first get involved with The Furniture Makers’ Company?

Of course, being a journalist working for CM, I was always aware of the Company. I remember when Peter Keen was Master I was asked to participate in a conference and gave a talk about branding. Peter then recruited me as a Freeman. I started my committee work on the Manufacturing Guild Mark in 2008.

Who is your design hero?

That’s a tricky one! I think it would have to be Charles Rennie Mackintosh historically ( I just love his arts & crafts style) and John Makepeace more recently  for teaching young designers how to run businesses as well as design beautiful products.

What do you see as the benefits of being involved in The Furniture Makers’ Company?

Giving something back to the industry I have worked in all my working life. Plus, being a Liveryman does have some prestige!

What is your favourite thing about the furnishings sector?

The people, definitely. It’s always been a friendly industry, something I’m told is not always the case in others. Plus of course, we make products we all relate to and actively use every day, at home, at work, travelling, in our leisure time. So it’s easy to have an opinion about, and feel for, them. They’re visually interesting as well as practical.

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