A new apprenticeship standard and assessment plan for the furniture industry has been given ministerial approval.

The new Furniture Manufacturer Apprenticeship Standard and Assessment Plan will replace current frameworks from 1 December 2016 as part of the Government’s apprenticeship reform programme to make apprenticeships more rigorous and more responsive to employers.

Occupational Awards, who have provided support to the group, and will become the Registered Apprenticeship Assessment Organisation.

The standard includes the following occupations:

  • General Furniture Manufacturer
  • Bed Manufacturer
  • Modern Upholsterer
  • Furniture Finisher
  • Fitted Furniture Installer
  • Furniture Restorer
  • Modern Furniture Service Repairer
  • Foam Convertor and Upholstery Cushion Interior Manufacturer
  • Wood Machinist
  • Furniture CNC Specialist

The Furniture Trailblazer Steering Group, which included representatives from over 40 companies and associations including The Furniture Makers’ Company, was given the responsibility to redesign the apprenticeship standard by the Government.

Lisa Williamson, Managing Director of Occupational Awards, said: “The approval of the new Furniture Trailblazer standard marks a significant milestone for the furniture sector.  We welcome this ground-breaking new approach to robust apprenticeships that the government and industry is taking and could not be more pleased with the industry-led design of this new standard. Congratulations to all involved. We would encourage all furniture employers to join the illustrious list of employers already involved.”

The apprenticeship standard and Assessment Plan are live here: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/apprenticeship-standards#furniture-standards

The Steering Group have also developed supporting modules of assessment to support the delivery of the apprenticeship, these are available to download from the BFM website, the BFM have agreed to host this information on behalf of the industry: https://www.bfm.org.uk/furniture-apprenticeships/678-furniture-apprenticeships-widg.html

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